New School
Grace is now officially a pre-schooler. She had gone to Mullins United Methodist Church's Mother's Day Out program for a while now, but this year we decided to send her on. Mullins was a wonderful place for Grace and she learned a lot and made many friends, but as her teacher put she probably needs a place that will challenge her more. Miss Allison was quite surprised on day when she made up about 20 flashcards of objects in the room and Grace could read all of the flash cards before they were placed.
Grace is now attending a fully fledged pre-school three days a week and seems to really enjoy it. Lord of Life is very serious about being a school but still has a loving and welcoming environment. At the parents meeting when the teacher was describing the year ahead I had to force myself not to laugh out loud because of all of the educational buzz words she was using. I just remembered how much Tod rebelled against a lot of them while still teaching at a grade school.
Grace is already keeping Ms. Shannon on her toes. On the second day she read the entire morning message by herself and after dinner made us all sit in a library center she created and proceeded to read to library books she had just checked out to Tod and I outloud. The only help she needed was for gull, screeching, and plenty. We scraped our chins off the floor and I thought for the millionth time oh Lord this child is going to keep us hopping.
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