Okay, I had great ambitions of making up a bunch of different entries and trying to really great stories about all of our adventures but there is a reason neither of my children have a scrapbook. They each have a plastic bin filled with all those things that get put in a book.
So our first month as a family of four went beautifully. Martha is a really easy going baby and Grace enjoys being a big sister. She defends Martha from everyone but herself. The only real disappointment so far is that babies don't arrive ready to play and that they sleep all of the time.
Tod was home for a couple of weeks before the official start to the school year. Hear in Memphis that comes very early. He reported for duty August 1. For those of you lucky enough not to live in Memphis, you won't know about all of the drama with our school district. Mid last school year the school board dissolved itself with the city council also voting to allow this and the city's population at large voting in support. Problem is that no one had a plan what to do next. Luckily the whole matter is a mess in the court system, hopefully we'll be gone before they have to actually take action. Because of all of this the city council decided to with hold funds from the school district (because it doesn't really exist all though it is functioning the same as usual). In response to the budget issue the school district decided to delay the start of the school year until the city paid up. After a lot of back and forth and absolutely no communication to teachers the school started as planned but once again Memphis made a spectacle of itself.
Tod has developed a lovely attitude towards it all and spent July just enjoying being super Daddy and spending a large part of each week in the pool with Grace. The rest of the week we all just tried not to melt.
Martha's big achievements were to grow like crazy and sleep so very well. At her one month appointment she had gained three pounds and grown an inch and a half.
Here are some photos of Martha's first very hot month:
first book with Daddy. Same first book as Grace
What Martha does best

Grace still loves costume assemblage and standing tippy toe

At the local park. Grace loves the dirt and Martha sleeps

Practicing to live up to Aunt Jamie's nickname "M.C. Dillender"
funnier if you remember M. C. Hammer
funnier if you remember M. C. Hammer

At the Botanic Garden, and yes those are Grace's pj's but hey we made it out of the house.

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