We had the house on the market and tried to relocate to St. Louis. Unfortunately that plan didn't turn out as expected but Tod did get a new teaching position here in Memphis. He now is teaching 6th grade social studies, which is world history, at a middle school literally on mile from our house. He is excited for a new challenge and because of the differences in student base and new administration should be a "gravy" job.
Grace still is growing like a weed. Her imagination is in full throttle. She spends her day informing me that she isn't Grace right now she's _______. One of any assortment of characters her current favorites being either Bug Lady or Buzz Lightyear. When she is one of these alter egos she tells us that Grace is a work and will be home later. If asked she'll inform you that Grace fixes teeth at work. Granddaddy must be proud.
She loves to read and paint and her newest word "rough house".
We spent the summer with visits to St. Louis and my family reunion at Pickwick, and most recently the three of us visited James, Lisa, Laura, and Elizabeth at their home is West Stockbridge, MA. It was a delight. I spent quite a lot of time with them in middle school and high school there but hadn't been back since Laura's first summer. She's driving now. Grace really had a blast with the cats and "playing cello" like Laura and dressing like a fairy as often as she could. We took in the grounds at Tanglewood and Grace attended her first concert on the lawn. She also fit in very well with the Cooke proclivity for ice cream.
At Up Yonder she had a good time playing with the other youngest cousins and went swimming and tubing and knee boarding. She was highly disappointed that she didn't get to stand up on the knee board. Maybe skiing next year who knows.
She also had a rather major mile stone this summer she got to graduate to a "big girl" bed. She didn't fit length wise in her crib any more so we took pity on her. She now is sleeping the in the bed that was Dad's, Monnie's (my great-grandmother) Bob's, and mine. She likes it. Especially when she realized one morning that she could get herself out and come get in bed with me to snuggle. (Curse the 6 am sunrise into her room, but the snuggles are nice)
Here are an assortment of pictures to share and I hope you all are having a wonderful summer and that you are able to avoid melting before Autumn.

A little site seeing in MA took us to the highest peak in the state which has a lighthouse memorial on its top.

On the grounds at Tanglewood. Tanglewood is the summer home of the Boston Symphony. We went to a Sunday afternoon Pops concert and heard the Pops playing with Arlo Guthrie and others. It was quite lovely and Grace even sat and listened occasionally. Her favorite part was applaulding and yelling bravo. Lisa cracked up every time and I still don't know where she learned bravo from.

Lots of water color painting. They just don't ever make enough blue paint.

playing the little "cello" next to Laura's big cello. Mama had to turn the pages on the music stand for her and when she was done she set the little player violin down on its side and rested the bow on it just like Laura.

lots of fairy dances on tip toes

making music

watching for kitty cats

lots of fairy time at James and Lisa's

She really wanted me to take this picture of her "stitches" I was busy finishing the last bits of sewing on an order and so Grace wanted to do some sewing too. The arrangement of thread on the peg strap on the dulcimer is her stitching.


squishing Daddy

fairy god mother (Grace is at work)

reading often

more hiding

Ice cream

The bees are her favorite both at the zoo and when we encountered them at the Shaker village in MA. She is difficult shall we say to get to leave them.

Granddaddy at the zoo

she loves the birds at the zoo.

more reading

big girl bed

More ice cream!

Playing at the Park

a hug for Mama.
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